1The object of this Association is to promote the interest in this area, by the formation of leagues and other tournaments.
2The officials of the Association shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting , and consist of a Secretary/Treasurer and an Assistant Secretary.
3The Association Executive Committee shall consist of two members from each participating clubs, in addition to the officers. The secretary is exempt from any voting rights, the Chairman has the casting vote. Three members shall form a quorum at any meeting convened. The Committee shall have power to co-opt members.
4The Association shall be affiliated to the Norfolk Billiards & Snooker association.
5Members must be Amateurs or Tournament Players, as defined by the W.P.B.S.A. ( World Professional Billiards & Snooker Association) and all League games, Tournaments and Competitions organised by this Association must be played under W.P.B.S.A. rules.
6League entry forms must be completed each year to enable the secretary to have up-to-date information on Team Captain names and addresses etc.
New teams wishing to enter the league must also complete an entry form and they will enter the league in the lowest division.
7All entry forms must be subitted on or before the A.G.M with entry fee, plus any other monies required by the Secretary. No Refunds.
The entry fee per team is £55 which includes registration fees for up to 5 players.
Any extra players must pay a registration fee of £3 per player.
8 Outstanding League Fees Any player who owes money to this Association is banned from this league and any competitions. Once that player has paid said fees to the Treasurer, then they can play in the league after one month has elapsed.
The Secretary has all information on those that are banned.
9This Association does not have any restrictions on either age or sex of players wanting to play in the league. It should be noted however, some clubs participating in our league do have restrictions, away teams must abide by them.
Teams playing with either under age or female players in their sides should ensure that the team they are playing away to are informed of this at least a fortnight before the time of playing, so other arrangements can be made.
Teams playing for clubs that have these restrictions have now agreed to play at the away teams venue or some other venue, but it must be on the original night of the home team.
10The Secretary must call an Emergency Meeting if requested by all member clubs.
11No rule may be altered except at the A.G.M. or at an Extraordinary General Meeting.
A The number of players per team in the snooker league will be four (4), each playing two (2) frames per match, premier league three (3) frames per match, billiards league to be decided at start of season. POINTS for league matches shall be awarded as follows:-
BAny team that defaults on playing a match without a valid reason, will face a penalty fine of £10 and by losing all their points when they do play that match, because all matches must be played.
The Committee's decision on this will be final.
CPostponed matches must be played within 31 days of the original match date. If this deadline passes, the team causing the postponment will be deducted 3 points and a 7-0 or 5-0 win (depending on division) will be awarded to the other team.
13Any team dropping out of the league at any time during the season, all the results of that team and the teams played will be deleted from the records as if that team had never entered the league. (K.O. matches will stand however.)
14No player may play for more than one team in the same season, however if a player has good cause for wanting to leave his present team and play for another, he must make special application to the committee, the committee decision will be final, but if a player has played for a team that has dropped out of the league, they shall be considered as not having played for any team and may therefore join any team in the league.
15Subject to the movement of teams joining or leaving the league each year, a promotion / relegation system will operate. Two (2) teams from each division will be relegated and two (2) promoted.
Trophies will be awarded each season as follows:-
In the event of two teams tying for the positions of winners or runners up, or third place, the result shall be decided by a play-off on neutral tables.
16Team change. If for whatever reason, a team is disbanded, the club (or venue) or that team has the option to retain the league status with other players. If the club (venue) declines this option, the team is then deemed dissolved.
The former players who wish to start afresh in another club (venue) will then be regarded as a new team and become subject to the appropriate league rules, RULE 6, unless agreed at the A.G.M. that they keep their position from the last season under a different name.
17Each team shall appoint a captain, who shall be responsible to the league committee for carrying out the league rules.
He/she shall all also be responsible for collecting any league fees, and paying same to the league Treasurer upon request.
18The home team must provide suitable Markers/Scorers and or Referees for each match. When you referee a match you are neutral (even though your friend / team- mate is playing.)
Any team not applying to this rule could be deducted points accordingly. The away team has the right to refuse to play until the home team provides referees.
19Opponents in each league will be decided by away player drawing his /her opponent before 7-30 pm start of match.
If away player is not there then a player from their team can draw for them, they must be entered on the result card before the match starts, that draw must stand.
Any other draw must be agreed by all players concerned.
20All league matches are to start at 7-00 pm, with descretion, to allow for people travelling etc.
If no players have turned up and no message to say they will be late, then the captains, must report on the score card reasons why, and RULE 12(B) will come into force.
The only concession to this rule is for matches where teams have to travel long distances or bad weather conditions are prevalent when Captains must then exercise discretion.
21In order for a league fixture to take place, a minimum of three players must be present per team.
22Matches can be brought forward, and the Assistant Secretary must be informed.
At least two weeks notice must be given, so look ahead and see if there are going to be any holidays etc. that your players might be having etc. at the beginning of the season.
Failure to do so could result in RULE 12(B) being applied.
23Result cards must be completed in full by the home Captains, the result cards when completed must be sent to the Assistant Secretary or complete the relevant form on the League website or phone him/her with the result. Failure to submit results can result in letting your fellow team mates down on winning a best average trophy.
A £10 fine will be imposed on a team that does not provide the match result to the Assistant Secretary by midnight on the Sunday of the week that the match is played.
Record all breaks over 40 for Premier, and over 30 for other divisions.
24All disputes shall be brought before the Committee, whose decision shall be final.
If a violation of the rules is thought to be taking place during any event, then it must be drawn to the attention of both captains at the time, and if it is not settled there and then, then both captains must put it in writing and send it to the Secretary, and they must have at least one of their team if not themselves to attend the next meeting.
The committee will not consider any applications for adjudication if this has not been done.
25 Eastern Cup Before anyone can be picked for respective teams, they must have played at least three (3) frames in a league match. Order of arranging to be done at A.G.M.
26 Individual Competitions Are played as one day competitions on designated Sundays during the season.
27 Knockout CupAll teams are entered into the Team Knockout competition free of charge.
All teams not wishing to play will have to inform the League Secretary by the given date.
A £5 fine will be in place for any team not wishing to enter who do not contact the Secretary and do not play their match. This fine will also apply to any team that does not arrange their matches in the given time period, unless the Secretary is informed of any speacial circumstances.
It is up to the team captains to decide prior to the match if in the eventuality of a draw they play a one frame decider or replay. The replay is at the away team's venue and has to still be played within the dates required, as near to as possible.
If a one frame playoff is the chosen option, they must select a player from the players who have played at that time.
In the event of a drawn semi-final and final of this competition, a one frame decider will be played.
28 Finals NightA venue will be decided on at the A.G.M. and the secretary to arrange nights etc. with the club concerned.
29The league's bank account must have a minimum of two signatories to withdraw funds from the said account.
30Miss rule with discretion no more than 3 misses at any one time and please use discretion meaning players ability.
31To further assist in automatically correcting handicaps on the night. 7 points will be deducted from the handicap of the player who wins a frame, for the following frame. This deduction is cumulative for the current match only.